well guys , i stayed in the car at 9 pm its cooler than the afternoon weather ,with ac on, and the temps stayed in the middle it was before the mid in one dot and after 5 min to an hour it stayed exactly on the mid,hmmmm
the car is perfect maybe it was just too hot , i dont know
so i guess their is no mechanical issue , but i might try taking it to the dealership and let them check it all out and replace the coolent with our coolent that sell here and our thermostate maybe just maybe our thermostate for the middle east wether is different than your stock ones, and better than the meshimoto thermostat,
SAM their is no headgasket issue cuz the car is fine when the weather is cooler, wht i noticed is the temprature montior is stuck or something cuz it stayed on 100f (37c) all the time and at night it was 99f which is abt the same but actully i am 10000% it was colder than that and i am sure it was hotter than 100f , maybe around 110-115, and i made sure by goin in a different car and the temp monitor says 26c , so for sure the monitor is crazy or maybe still not used for our crazy temps hehehehe its goin like---> WT*** IS THIS heheheheheh
i might try the idea abt checking the air in the radiator sounds somethin fun to do or i might just leave it as is til i get it to the dealer ship and let them deal with it .
P.S guys i just wana clear out the issue that i shared with with you ppl has nothing to do with GTM KIT or anything like that , i wasnt pointing at anyone, i am just sharing with u my wht happened , and although i am 1000000000 miles and dont know GTM personally , this kit is the best TT i ever tried in my life ,words cant express wht i wana say ,u will only find out when you try it and only when the wastegates are open

all i need is more power , i need more..
thank you for replying back to me so fast,i never thought id be welcomed like this .