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Old 04-16-2011, 11:09 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by kree View Post

I'm considering going with your material suggestions. Did you have any trouble getting the interior to fit back in correctly using so much material beneath it? I've never done an installation before and am considering doing something similar to what you did.

Thanks for any help.
I had one area that gave me a degree of difficulty. the plastic area just under the rear cross member brace. Where the seam is I couldnt get it to snap closed so I used some epoxy putty and some clamps and bonded it shut and the clamps allowed me to close the seam.

Not exactly an ideal fix but it worked well. I am sure when and "IF" i have to remove it down the road I will regret it.

If I hadnt of used the ensolite there it wouldnt have been a problem so just dont put it there and you can save yourself the trouble.

Everywhere else was not a problem.
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