Originally Posted by kenchan
you belong in the honda fit crowd. plenty of such comments like that over there. 'wat, i expected my tires to last 40K miles! they went in like 25K wtf is going on here?' or 'waahhh price of gas went up again (takes regular gas btw) and now it costed me a whoppin $32 to fill up?!!'. 'waaaa waaaa...' 
That's nothing, the Prius crowd bitches over the loss of 1mpg due to not having the wheel cover. When you are used to driving a car that gets 42mpg on regular, then you have to get stuck in a car that gets 19mpg on premium. You will start bitching too. I am just annoyed that I spent $30K on my car and I don't get to use it other than the weekends. I put like 600 miles on the car in the last 5 months due to the weather and all the other BS. I want to drive it today, but I can't because I have to take the dogs today. I don't want to drive it for 10 minutes and have to swipe door hair from the car for 30. The racing cost is another story. Once you have to start buying tires and all the other BS, it really starts adding up.