Originally Posted by zZSportZz
I hate it when I see this statement...because it makes it sound like it is all on the dealer and that they will honor ANY claim unless they can 100% without a doubt prove otherwise. This is SOOOO far away from how it really works.
Heres how it really goes...
Engine blows --> dealer sees -enter performance mod here-
Dealer: Sorry, claim denied
You: But my -enter performance mod here- had no effect on the engine blowing!
Dealer: Sorry, claim denied - we believe it did
You: No it didn't!
Dealer: Sorry claim denied.
Now what? Now you have to spend the time and money to fight for your rights...most of the time it will cost you more in the long run than repairing the car yourself.
Court battles cost a ****-ton of money. Trust me, I know.
If you blow your engine, of course. I was tlaking about samll problems and if you only have small mods like exhaust, intake, and such.