From your tags I'm guessing you're more serious about this.
So I want to add some (hopefully constructive) critique.
It seems you used one exposure and made it into an HDR using software.
You went a bit overboard on the range, as a result I think it's somewhat unbalanced.
The left top is too black, I would look for a deeper blue as the sky won't be black when the road is that sunny. Also the road is so bright it gets more focus than the car.
And finally there is a white glow on your hills that I would get rid off.
As for the compensition, try not to shoot at straight angles.
It's a bit boring as driver height side profile is what everybody would see if the drove by.
Try different height and different angles. Also I wouldn't frame the car dead center as it eliminates the illusion of movement and in this case you want it to look like the car is going fast.
Finally and this could be jpg compression or also part of your conversion, but you clipped out the whole top part of the car, so you lost all the detail there.
If it was due to the sun, changing the angle would be the easiest solution.
Hope you don't think I'm too critical, I'm only writing this because I think you have the potential to make a great shot!
And obviously the above is just my personal opinion on how I believe it would be better.
Keep up the good work!