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Old 04-15-2011, 10:04 PM   #25 (permalink)
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oro is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by MC View Post
yeah reptile looks to play similar with the energy balls and all that i liked him alot aswell

man scorpion is always good he is almost cheap in the demo.. i beat it on expert with him without loosing a round... you can to that teleport side to side thing a few times.. throw the spear do a combo and raise the fire from the ground as they are getting up...

sub zero on the other hand feels to slow and his moves seem limited... not really feeling him

but yeah i will add you
Sub Zero is a lot slower than previous games but his combo capacity is massive, since you can ice clone yourself while stringing combos together I've pulled massive combos with him.

His slap, ice dagger stab, knee strike combo then ice slide them, as soon as you make contact go for the x-ray combo and he should catch them immediately. 8 hit combo with roughly 45% damage.

Scorpion is way faster and you can double up combos with him and pretty much make 8-10 hit combos with him fairly easily but they don't have the damage that Sub Zero has, his other version of his backslap, ice dagger stab, trip combo for example is only 3 hits but its in the mid 20% damage range.

I have to say I liked how Sub used to be speedy, but in a way his hard hitting slower fighting style is how they are balancing him otherwise if he was as fast as Scorpion with his damage potential he would probably be severely overpowered. That and when you had his ability to air punch them down and pop them up then ice clone and catch them in mid air, then go to an uppercut which arcs them higher followed by another ice slide is damn near 30% damage without an X-Ray already.

I was a little disappointed with his speed, but spend some time messing with his combo strings and he really does seem a lot faster and is a lot more enjoyable to play, he just doesn't have the same fluidity and speed as the other characters in the demo.
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