Originally Posted by onzedge
The dork in the Camaro does not know how to park.

I was thinking the same thing. That Chevy is about 6" too far left. I mean directionally, not politically.
Still, I would be relieved to find other car entusiasts parked next to me. When I'm at work, here are my options:
Lexus SUV, driven by a dude who doesn't realize he's driving a chic car, and has white paint from his garage door frame on every panel.
Ford Ranger. At least he knows how to split the uprights.
Toyota Solara. Driven by a middle aged woman who, despite still sporting snow tires, knows how to park.
Buick somethingorother. Driven by a guy who is about 25. Has no idea what he is doing. Parking or otherwise.
Audi A4 S. Driven by a cutie patutie. Don't care how she parks.
Honda Odyssey mini van. This driver doesn't even seem to know that there are lines. Most likely a former Hippee who thinks parking lots are vast spaces representing the ignorance of the human spirit. Just a guess

Rain, snow, sleet, hail: 2009 Mazda 3 sGT HB
Everything else: 2009 370z, PW Touring 6MT