Originally Posted by roplusbee
If you leave space, someone will fill it and it really doesn't matter if their vehicle will actially fit. They will either act like they didn't see you or just move anyway.
Funny but so true ... You are the one caring most about your car so they don't care if they hit you or not
I saw this one guy in a parking lot with a beat up car; he "kicked" his door opened and it hit the nicer car right next to him. The dude just walked away like nothing happened.
Originally Posted by RedBullRR
After several failed attempts with his lack of power... I pulled up next to him jumped out of the car after he curses at me only to see him high tail out of there.
Funny story RedBullRR, you'll get shot at in Baltimore before you are even done jumping out of your car. I'm sure roplusbee can corroborate what I'm saying