When you take the highway/expressway/beltway you are going to run into the most idiots on the road, especially during rush hour and lunchtime. No matter where you live it is all the same. I am from Baltimore, live in Killeen/Fort Hood (TX), have been stationed in Oahu (HI) and Naples (Italy) and it is all the same.
If you leave space, someone will fill it and it really doesn't matter if their vehicle will actially fit. They will either act like they didn't see you or just move anyway. All I ask is that they use a signal so that I and the idiot behind me have a chance to react. You would also be surprised at the amount of idiots out there that think that by passing you, they have bested you in some way.
When it rains in Killeen 190 has at least 1 accident that involves like 3-4 cars on average. The last time it rained, I passed 4 accidents on my way to PT. The last one was at the Main gate, lol.
I really don't worry about it much. If I run into idoits (and I try to avoid the highway), I just
, switch lanes, and roll out.