Originally Posted by 1Sweet Z
So now that we have cleared up the order. What is the bext wax to use machine wax or hand wax?
You need to clarify the term "best wax". If you are asking which wax provides the longest protection, then the answer is Machine Superwax. It needs to be applied with a PC-7424. If you are asking which wax applied by hand will last the longest, then your answer is Americana. No wax makes your paint shine but different types of waxes add different characteristics to your shine. So again, the answer to your question depends on the exact results you're trying to achieve. That's why I say that you must be more specific.
Originally Posted by 1Sweet Z
In the end, my real concern was hitting the new car with PC. As you mentioned in your videos, the polish is actually removing some of the clear-coat, so I am hesitant to do this on a brand new car. I was hoping for a miracle cure that would be wash the car and apply wax - presto instant shiny car.
In the field of detailing, your mind is in the infant stages of discovery. You have just been unplugged from the Matrix and all of this stuff is rather confusing and daunting to you. In reality, it is very simple and once you obtain the knowledge, you will realize just how simple it is. I say all that to get this point across.
The is NO miracle product in a bottle. That simplistic way of thinking is what guys who buy their detailing supplies from Auto Zone, Pep Boys and Costco do. You are now beyond that point and are seeking advice on how to best care for your automobile.
Since that is the case, you need to start thinking on a professional level. There would be no detailers in the world if all you had to do is wipe something on a car and then presto, instant shine. This is somewhat of an art form, but it is an easy one to learn for those who take the time to seek out the knowledge. You are on that road now. Don't look back.
I could go into a lengthy post on why you have nothing to worry about concerning the PC, but that's why I made
this video series. Apparently, you have not seen all of my videos. The one that I linked to is one of the most important concerning the PC and is a must see for novices to machine polishing. After watching that series, you will quickly realize just how much your concern about the PC is a non-factor.
Originally Posted by 1Sweet Z
Few more questions: So we clay the car and hit it with FMP and then apply wax. Assuming the wax lasts a few months, for re-application of the wax do we need to go through all the steps again? ( Clay to wax)
Again, this is covered in the series you just watched and you even mentioned it earlier in your post. You clay when the baggie test shows that you need to clay. Not before, only after. The bag is the gauge that you use to determine when claying is necessary. If the bag shows that claying is NOT necessary, then you don't do it. The same is true in the opposite scenario.
Use the gauge and react to the results that you get.
The gauge for polishing is your eyes. Polishing removes scratches and other damage from your paint. Thus, if you LOOK at your paint and see damage, then you need to polish. If there is no damage and your paint has no dullness to it, then you DON'T need to polish it.
Use the gauge that is your eyes. Only you and whomever may be standing next to your can answer the question as to what needs to be done to your paint.
Originally Posted by 1Sweet Z
What are your thoughts on quick spray waxes?
I would have to answer that on a case by case basis, after looking at what the product claims to do. If the product states that it will protect the car for 6 months and is made up of 50% water, then I would call BS. You have to be specific when asking a question like this because all products can't be painted with one brush.