Originally Posted by Red__Zed
At the high school, someone threw a rock at my car as I was pulling out, and I probably should have just kept going....
What????? Ignorant & jealous b*stards man, did it do any damages?
Originally Posted by Red__Zed
I almost caught up with you guys before I took a wrong turn at the end of Spook Hill. By the time I turned around, I guess the fuzz had gotten enough complaints that they were out en force...I got pulled over twice, somehow got no tickets though.
Second pullover was enough to make me shut it down, since I was doing over 60 through a turn that I thought was going to be increasing radius that turned out to be a decreasing radius. Lost grip and almost hit the police cruiser 
Lord, sorry for your misfortune, that's the only issue being out in the middle of nowhere, I don't see what the complaints could possibly be about but I'm sure the officers realized that when they were issuing you warnings. Thank GOD, nothing happened!!!
Sharif had a very little incident that will make him think twice the next time, we got a good laugh at of him and I'm sure you'll see my thread about it soon enough
Please don't let the experience today stop you from making another trip out this way.