Originally Posted by Pharmacist
I'm pretty sure slamming is illegal in almost all tournaments in BJJ, and I've seen many guys disqualified for it. What belt do you have and how long you been training?
I have no problem being disqualified from a tourney for being exciting and trying to finish. Far too many people grapple for 'advantage' and superior position, which often means getting in your grips, trying to get on top and holding on for dear life.
Belts are used for holding up pants, anyone who judges a person's ability by the colour of their belt is a fool, no offense intended.
My third month training I began to regularly sub blue belts and I have subbed brown and purple belts regularly in training while I was a white belt as well. This was out of BAMA, a well know Burlington training facility that is a member of the Gracie BJJ system and has Marcus Soares fly in and do our testing 2x yearly.
That told me everything I needed to know about the belt system.
I did win the 2009 Canadian Open Grappling championship in Hamilton, Ontario 2 years ago.
I've been training for 3-4 years now but I would say the majority of my training is MMA training while I did BJJ for the first year only.