If you ever order anything from us that was in stock your having it the next day.When people like to post they never say from the day they order,how many times they change the color or offset then do it agian after a few weeks.Everyone wants to say there side of the story.
I guess if we don't know how to run a business,we would not be open for 8-9years when all the little shop/online company close.you think?
You even got a Z or are you in here just to talk?

Sorry bro i know it's hard some times to get a hold of me,but we got things to do everyday too bro.We don't just sit on the computer all day

I see you have a M3+WRX buy something!

We sell parts for older cars too!
Originally Posted by dan avoN7
This is a constant excuse in various VIP Status threads.. IT's NOT THE CUSTOMERS FAULT that he has other business's, family to run, etc.. These threads have been popping up over the last 4-5 MONTHS! The same issues with order delays, impossible communication, members going to VIP Status mid week to find their doors locked, etc.. I could understand a rough patch for a short period of time but this is just absurd. The guy obviously does NOT know how to run a business if he can't fix the communication issues by now 