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Old 04-07-2011, 04:43 PM   #122 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Merlin View Post
I first noticed wear at less than 1500 miles. I worked with the dealership initially and they tried to fix the issue, but could not. I will say my dealership is awesome and tried to make things right. I then went straight to Nissan North America and filed a complaint. Clearly there is an issue and I've not heard that Nissan is acknowledging it and making amends. Anyway, the tech they sent adjusted the hatch arm and wiring on the driver's side and replaced the canvas only. I must admit the tech they brought in to do the work did an incredible job. The new canvas looks tighter and better than the original. That said, I should not have had to go thru any of this and neither should anyone else. Nissan owes us answers and perhaps some sort of compensation for our trouble. I wonder what they'd think of a "class action lawsuit?"
This is a tough one. Nissan has been replacing the tops that had the tear issue, so they are doing something under warranty.

My concern is in regard to what happens when we're out of warranty?

I have posted a few posts to the Forum addressing this, and asked if you all, we all, think Nissan should out a TSB on the top tear issue.

If it happens to your Z after warranty, you're on your own, and a TSB would show that the potential for the problem was there from the start, it just took longer for it to show up on a particular Z.

For example; I don't drive mine in the winter, and do not operate the top as much as some of you, so I could go a long while before any signs of wear show up, and could very well be out of warranty coverage, and I am sure I am not alone with this kind of timing and frequency of operation.

One more thing. As stated in one of my past posts, I did notice that it appears that the tops that did have a problem, began to show signs around the 1,600 mile mark. So it looked like once your Z get's past that 1,600 mile area, then you may end up without any wear/tear issues. But that's not scientific, just a guess based on commonality of mileage and when the wear began to show up.

I also asked if all of us would post their mileage, frequency of operation of the top, and whether or not they had signs of the wear/tear issue. That did not yield very much. I wanted to see if it looked more like an assembly glitch, or a chronic problem that eventually will hit all of us.

Maybe we can try again.

My Roadster has 7,500 miles, garaged and stored winters, top operated maybe a couple times per week, no signs of any wear at all. No creases or anything negative, looks new.
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