Well the thing is if you use a patch, or gum, lozenge etc, you are still taking in the drug. So if you are still having a hard time it is due to the emotional, mental, habitual part. If you can conqur this part, quitting is easy. As nitotine withdrawal only lasts a week or two at most, peaking only at 3 days!
With the patch, you are supposed to step down. The idea is that you will gradually wean off the Nicotine. But experts believe that using a crutch like that, you are delaying the inevitable--Nicotine withdrawal. You are going to have to deal with it eventually. That's why cold turkey is the best way. You get it over with right away and suffer wthough it to get that damn Nicotine out of your bloodstream...
It's like ripping off a band aid off your hairy chest. Do you want to slowly rip it off or just rip if off in one swing? Yes it will hurt but it will get better faster than if you slowly pull on it. LOL
Remember: You have to want to quit more than you want to smoke.