Originally Posted by m4a1mustang
You seen gas prices recently? Overnight shipping fees have skyrocketed!
oh ive seen them. You know the 370 is getting the exact if not a .5mpg better than my old 350z but i find myself freaking out about gas.
I think its that dang light up gas tank bar thing. Its like everytime i give it the beans a light goes out and its like a star goes out in the sky and im depressed....
My only real complaint. that and i cannot find which screen i want to keep on that little screen in the middle.
Instant MPG--pretty useless
Ave MPH--ok but when it goes down i dont like it
Time over Distance--pretty useless unless i am on a long trip
outside temp--dont really care i have windows
miles in tank--this think is all over the place, i dont know what to think
the menu screen--who wants to look at this all the time
what was wrong with a digital speedo too
only real complaint about the 370 interior