Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Ok I have an actual legitimate question, if you guys can ignore the troll for a min. I need front tires probably some time this summer, but my rears will be OK. I was gonna get the RE960A Pole Position All Season tires in the front and leave the stock advan sports in the rear. Apparently it's really bad to mix/match tires. Would I be better off getting more use from the rears and then switch all 4 tires at once? The cost of buying 4 tires at once is the problem for me. I could wait a longer time to get all 4 at once or buy the 2 front ones now and the rears when I need them. Thanks 
I have a similar dilemma. I have 6/32" left on my fronts and 2/32" on my rears. I am replacing all 4 (I just ordered Pilot Super Sports and I get them early next week) and will trash the rears and have no idea what to do with the fronts. I hate throwing away things that still have life, but what are you going to do? Can't rotate them, obviously. I suppose it is the price to pay.
I say go for all 4. Never mix tires.