Originally Posted by 4r3s
Still waiting on the supposed weight you gain when you quit smoking, I really could use the extra 10-15 lbs back I lost last month...
The reason you gain weight is as follows:
1. Nicotine acted as a appetite sapressant. It made the liver release glucose into the bloodstream, which in turn made yuor body think it was full. So it crubed your appetite. After you quit you got your appetite back, plus you can start to smell better and food smells good!
2. You had sometime to do on breaks, etc. After you quit, you have to replace that ~5 min "smoke brake" with someone else. Oral fixation like was mentioned. You will feel naked. Most people snack to fill that volid. And this is where you start to eat more and gain the weight.
3. Toxic tobacco smoke causes your heart rate to increase. If your heart is beating faster the whole day, that equates to more calories burned. They say a typical smoker burns like 300 more calories a day from just smoking. So when you quit, you are already not burning those calories. That is why woman who want to loose weight will take up smoking!