Awesome, thank you everyone for your support! I just got back from lunch and I'm jonesing pretty bad and reading you all's words is just what I needed. I'm unusually sweaty today and my hands are shaking like a mofo, but I'm not going to give in! One thing, I'm very happy I had broke my habit of smoking while driving over a year ago when I bought the z. The plan was to quit when I bought the car but I just stopped smoking while driving which in retrospect was a really good step in the right direction. I'm really happy my car doesn't reek of cigs and that I never smoke inside my house. That would have made this almost impossible. I do however need to buy some new clothes and get rid of clothes that I would smoke in the most often. I noticed this morning all of my jackets reek like crazy. Next step is to make a dentist appointment and get my teeth cleaned so they aren't a dingy yellow anymore.