I smoked for 15+ years or so... even got to the 2 pack a day point some years back... I quit 6 months ago, on sour icebreakers....
I have heard the patch burns a little, and that if you go over board on the nicotine dose, it makes you so sick, you quit smoking automatically.
some tips:
-tell people who you smoke with that you are quitting.
-do not hang around smokers for at least a couple of months.
-(this is an iffy) but its ok to take a drag if it gets to bad, just don't go do the entire damn cigarette and then buy a box.
-Download some APPS... for whatever phone you have... I loved those, had three of them, they show you a time of quitting, money saved and a bunch of little bits of information.
hardest part will be going out for a drink and not lighting up... that **** sucks... and if someone in your household still smokes it makes it virtually impossible to quit....
good luck
edit: also recommend exercise... Start running, or biking, or whatever... but push your self... its rewarding to see how much stamina you gain, and how the pain of your lungs goes over time.
Where are my aluminum pedals?
Last edited by Chupacabra; 04-01-2011 at 10:29 AM.