I'm quitting smoking today and thought I'd make a thread on it so you all can bash or support me in my effort. I'd prefer the latter but I know how things go on here with you all

I've been smoking for about 12 years now and I have been smoking about a pack a day for about 8 years.
So yeah, last night at 10pm I smoked my last cig. I woke up this morning feeling excited and nervous about my new journey. I took a shower and slapped a nicoderm cq patch on my shoulder. I don't know if its just in my head but the patch kinda burns when I first put it on. I usually start my car and then smoke a cig while it warms up so just hoping into the car and then leaving felt really weird. I usually smoke two cigs before leaving for work, one right after I get up and one just before leaving for work. I think I just found a way to sleep in an extra 10-20 mins by quitting. I managed to get to work waaay early today.
I was having a major craving a few minutes ago which is why I decided to start this thread to just spew my thoughts out and hopefully get me through the initial craving. I probably don't have the right audience for this but I hope that if someone is thinking about quitting and they see this thread it might be inspiration for them to quit as well or a deterant for someone that is considering smoking to see what someone that has been smoking for about 12 years has to go through in order to quit.
I'll probably be updating this frequently, I feel very edgy and mildly aggitated right now. My hands are a lot more shakey than they usually are and I would love to smoke a cig right now but I refuse. I am strong and will get through this one way or another.