Originally Posted by 4r3s
Thanks guys, I've talked to my doctor, I've identified my triggers, I've created simple tasks to take my mind off smoking when I get a craving, and I've purchased the first step for the patch. I am really serious about doing this now. For the past few years I've kept telling myself I need to quit now, then it turned to before I turn 30. Well I turn 30 in August this year so its time to man up and kick the cigs in the butt. I just love smoking too much and I can seriously feel in my body how bad this habit affects my overall health.
Sometimes those patches dont work... I have heard of people who light up with a damn patch...or with the gum
Nicotine is out of your system in less than three days... Your cravings for a cigarette are ALL habits.
-get in a car and light up
-finish a meal and light up
-go to the bathroom and light up
-get out of work and light up, etc...
Best thing to do is substitute the habit with another temporary one, to keep your brain busy, that way an action is still being carried out. Personally i went with these little sour candy things, with no sugar to prevent becoming diabetic.

I used to go through a box every week or so... I now don't even buy them anymore, so they did their job.
But at the end of the day.. you just need to say... its enough and not light up... is it hard? sure. I quit cold turkey and it sucked for the first month or so.
it is one hell of habit though I must admit... if it wasn't because I really want to dedicate myself 100% to cycling... i would have probably kept going on.
Good luck with the quit.