For all of you with stainless exhausts/stainless tips, baking soda and vinegar (which is great for cleaning things in the kitchen, not that i would know because i am male and would never be in the kitchen or cleaning anything
is great for cleaning sut etc, especially if you have Testpipes/LTHs and have more than normal build up of black soot
I took an old cleaning spray bottle and filled it with vinegar, a box of baking soda, and some rags (that used to be cotton t shirts). I sprinkled some baking soda inside the exhaust tip, then sprayed some vinegar all around the inside and spread the mixture/paste around with the rag. repeated a few times. No specific formula just kind of add more of each as it gets too wet/dry. For the outside. sprayed the inside of the tips with vinegar then sprayed the rag with vinegar and sprinkled some more baking soda on the rag and scrubbed the outside of the exhaust tip with the rag. I added some more vinegar to the clean part of the rage then scrubbed off any residue/baking soda powder.
the nice part is you don't have to use any harsh chemicals that are dangerous or bad for the environment. Not that you care about the environment if you're running test pipes