Originally Posted by ZKindaGuy
It would be nice if the satellite radio stations would grow up out of their adolescent habits and nix the endless use of the "F" word and the constant explicit sexual references. I don't even listen to the SAT because its nothing but endless swearing and porn.
This isn't how the majority of America talks every moment of the day. Maybe your dumb Okeys from Mystokey do but not the majority of the American people...
Sirius and XM
Me liek dey tekno moozik. Tekno moozik da bomb.
It's hard to find good comedians in general, and well, pop music is abhorrent to my ears. I'm usually finding good music in good alternative.
I agree, I can't even understand how people listen to this crap about how a black dude thinks this black girl is sexy. Just say "hey you're sexy" instead of "DAMN GIRL LOOK AT DEM HUGE@$$ HIPS" or some other crap nonsense.