Originally Posted by AllForTheCash
I have skipped gears for years on my manuals and never had any transmission problems, but then again I'm at low RPM and doing what you call "double clutching" (sometimes pulling in and out of gears without the clutch) 1-3, 3-5, or 2-4, 4-6. I do not do this with hard launches or high RPMS. No problems ever.
Funny thing is they mention the same thing on other car websites and drivers argue they never have problems with the synchros  
Just do a search on "370Z Synchro" or the like.
Double-clutching takes all the stress/work off the synchro. I wouldn't think you would have an issue.
Originally Posted by gmr19
Hi there...possible future 370Z owner.
A lot of people are complaining of the paint quality...can you elaborate on this? Like orange peel, chips easily on the front end, swirls easily?
The paint is very thin (3 mils) and very soft. I do not have a technical spec for its softness, but I can say that I have seen a TON! of 370Z's on the lots locally, and almost, if not all of them I have looked at already have swirls, scratches, and other stuff. I have never seen this on the camaro's, mustangs, corvettes, etc. The 370Z's just get scratched easier it looks like. Looked at 2 Nissan dealerships, so it's not just 1 bad wash-boy killing cars.