Originally Posted by docaam
sorry to hear that bro.
We will be celebrating 10th anniversary in May this year
Maybe I should explain better since I said stuff wrong.
technically she isn't my kid. I mean if I had a 7/8 year old kid I would of been about 14/15 when I knocked up a girl.
my ex got pregnant when she was 16 she is 2 year older than me.
but I dated her for a year and I loved her kid. I considered her my own.
with her calling me dad and starting to mix up me and her real father in her memories.
Even though I was only about 20 I still decided to take care of a kid. many people were going "lol wut?"
I miss her so ******* much. but oh well my ex decided to pick a ugly long haired metalhead (though I am one too) that stinks of beer and sweat and never holds a job and is basically just a parasite.
yes I am bitter person.