Originally Posted by CAN-ZED
thanks Adam,
only thing with getting new tpms is it would have to be reprogrammed also, but if price is right may be worth it
From everything ive read, seems that reusing original tpms from my 18's may be best route, i wont be taking them off again, so no need to do it every season,
guess ill need to weigh which option is best and least amount of hassle,
just want to get it done quick so car is ready to be on the road soon with my nice new powder coated RAYS 
Another suggestion for you. Since you're going to be swapping the TPMS, you might want to look into getting a new mounting kit (not sure what it's really called). It would contain new gaskets and such to make sure that you get a good seal on the new rims. It's not 100% needed as long as the old ones are removed carefully.