Sure there is... its called efficiency

You can have a V8 that burns twice the gas but gets the same HP as a Boosted 4 cyl. I loved tea bagging all the Muscle car jack asses around here when I had my Boosted CRX. Displacement Is good if you want to stay NA and burn gas every day.
Sure you can boost a V8 but there is a point where you are just wasting the power because you CANT put it to the ground. You can get the same HP in a 4 cyl that you can in a V8 or even a V12 and still the point of where you have too much power is the same no matter what your displacement is.
So Displacement is a waste imo..... The VQ37 is a perfect in between and in most cases already destroy V8's in its stock state. The day of American muscle is pretty much out dated. Ill take technology over displacement any day.