Since we are a sponsored vendor I figured why not throw this up.
(I also posted this in the general section where i was told it would be a good idea to post it here as well)
You can "LIKE" us at:
Performance Motorsport | Facebook
to see Daily new posts, photos and videos feel free to "LIKE" us. I am constantly adding new material daily.
Here is the latest videos to give you an idea of our performance shop.
YouTube - GTM TT 370Z Teaser
Build of one of our GTM Twin Turbo 370Z
YouTube - Project ZED ReBuild
This was a build of the NEW 1800HP VQ35 for Project ZED.
Our page will give up to date news about any upcoming DYNO days, MEETS and TRACK days. Also the occasional "special deals" for fans, only offered through our FaceBook page.
I was going to put this in the North East section but we DO ship parts World Wide and we offer full support to each individual customer. Feel free to contact either myself, Nigel or Alex at (631) 366-2152
But as I said. Keep an eye on our page because there will be some sweet promotional offers exclusively on our facebook page VERY SOON!!!
Also tour our facility at
Welcome To The Experience | Performance Motorsport 2011'