e-brake light
I know exactly whats wrong! Your brake fluid is low! I had the same problem with my car at full throttle after 3-5 seconds the e-brake light would come on then go off at deceleration then vdc and all traction control aids would go off and stay off until you would shut the car off and re-start it. Took it to the dealer and said they could find nothing,then took the service manager for a ride of his life to show what was happening! While all the lights were on car still running they ran a diagnostics and came up with low brake fluid. If your brake pads are worn, and fluid level is low there is a float sensor in the master cilynder that detects low brake fluid when that happens it turns the e-brake light on then all of the stability control features off as a saftey feature to make you drive slower so im told. The float is at the front of the resivoir so when you floor it and hold it there all the fluid goes to the back and makes the light come on. Just top up your brake fluid or change your brake pads and your good to go! The dealer charged me $90 to figure this out for a couple of tablespoons of fluid!