Originally Posted by Jordo!
Cats? Can't kill what isn't there
So... the zinc additives are better for older motors only?
Zinc is a lubrication enhancer and prevents wear. All engines can benefit from it. Newer engines have parts that tend to optimize the way oil is used as a lubricant by having the part ride on a layer of oil without actually touching like your crank and bearings. With the old cam lobe lifters and lash pads the oil tends to be wiped off so additives such as ZDDP help protect the metal surfaces. Problem is the only one piece of correct info from the mechanic is that it is destructive to your catalytiic converters. It builds a coating on the platinum that prevents it from working effectively as a polution controling device. I will not affect the HP peformance of the cat which is environmentally frustrating but not performance affecting.