I am a full line JL Audio dealer and We also make our own fiberglass enclosures Magic Boxes. Although I have seen a lot of Wooden enclosures out there nothing fits like a custom made enclosure. Stealthbox for this car would be my choice if that was the look I was going for. Of course I would choose our Spare tire Magic Box for the 370Z as my #1 choice.
If anyone was interested in a 370Z Stealthbox please PM me I will get you a forum speacial.
If anyone is interested in a MagicBox foir 370Z Spare tire Sub box enclosure we have one available for Base models. And GREATNEWS.. NISMO and SPORT MODELS Wil be available in a couple weeks.
EDITED 5/30/2013
Here is a link to order 370Z stealthbox
370zstealthbox " for $150 savings. the370z members only